Call for entries - "VERNE and the right to imagine"
"VERNE and the right to imagine" Call for entries! The world lives an atypical experience, in extreme situations human beings need answers and, therefore, we resort to the search for information; We go back to the past to see if we can learn from his example convinced that history is the teacher of life. Social isolation leads us to moments of reflection, is when the concepts of search, exploration and travel become more valuable; these become introspection or selfrecognition. Taking these ideas into account, it is evident to think of Jules Verne; Legendary name within the creation of science fiction, the French writer who has made millions of readers travel "around the moon", to the center of the earth and 20 thousand leagues under the sea. In the summer of 1839 the Verne family was preparing for dinner. But one member of the table was missing: little Julio, who was only eleven at the time. His father, angered by such disobedience, went looking fo...