
Showing posts from October, 2021

8th International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication | July 2022

8th International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication Beyond the obvious Typography and Visual Communication  in times of disruption Thessaloniki, Greece, 5–9 July 2022 Main Conference 7–9 July  ·  Workshops 5–6 July Helexpo  /  Ioannis Vellidis Congress Centre Call for papers via  EasyChair It is obvious that the pandemic affects our daily lives and the way we operate as educators, students or practitioners in the fields of typography and visual communication. The aim of the conference is to ‘see’ beyond the obvious, discussing examples from the past, deepening into the present, and raising important issues for the future in the areas of history, theory and practice. Among the plans of the Organizing Committee of the 2022 ICTVC is to have a special section on education, the challenges and opportunities in turbulent and uncertain times like these. Since its inception in 2002, ICTVC has been established as one of the most promi...